Since 2009 we have promoted downtown Kingman at no cost to local businesses and services with our website We do not receive any funds from the city or any other group in Kingman to support our efforts.

To have a free listing on our website there are no monthly dues, no meetings to attend, and no requirement to volunteer your time or money to the cause. We are not an association, however their is a downtown merchants association that seems to die and revive from time to time. It is currently active in 2017.

The website is owned by All About Kingman LLC who promotes Kingman on the many Kingman websites we own. We drive internet viewers to our city with the largest, most complete information about Kingman on the internet. View our 39 websites about Kingman at

We also promote Kingman on many of our Mohave County, Route 66, State of Arizona, and national websites. You can see the long list of promotional websites we have at

Add, Edit or Delete A Business Listing.
Listings Are Limited To Businesses in Downtown Kingman, Arizona
There are two types of listings, Basic and Expanded.
Type Includes
Basic Business Name
FREE LISTING Business Address
Add-Update-Delete Business Phone
Expanded Business Name
$200.00 per year Business Address
Add-Update-Delete Business Phone
Business Photo or Banner Ad
Link To Your Website
Maximum size of photo or banner ad is 550 x 200 pixels.
Photos and/or Banners must be of downtown businesses.
A reasonable amount of information updating is free.
Please Tell Us If A Business Has Closed or The Name Has Changed.
Tile Advertising is also available on this and many other websites we have about Kingman.
Tell A Friend About The Kingman Arizona Downtown Merchants
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